What a Museum Should Really Look Like

Proletarier Aller Laender

Today Could Be a Day of Historical Importance

David (inspired by Michelangelo)

Bring Me The Head of...

A Sudden Gust of Wind


Homo Practicus

One and Three Pasta (with George L. Legendre)


Steven Toole, The Artlover


An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in New York

We Will Wait

O by Ozkaya



Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror

Dear Sir or Madam
“... letters he has written and continues to write to bourgeois bureaucracies and cultural institutions, dignitaries and curators. This correspondence, his own paper trail of bureaucracy in (in)action, shown in its entirety for the first time, can be preposterous as well as hilarious—he has requested that he be allowed to hang the Mona Lisa upside down and re-wrap the Reichstag, for instance. Often, the letters do not deserve a response but curiously, they have usually been treated with official but unthinking courtesy, read perhaps but not comprehended—answered and then often passed along the bureaucratic chain.” Lilly Wei, Dear Sir or Madam
Mona Lisa Upside Down


Broadway Boogie Woogie

Wrapped Reichstag

Next Documenta Should Be Curated by an Artist

Universal Happy Hour

Dear Sir or Madam
“... letters he has written and continues to write to bourgeois bureaucracies and cultural institutions, dignitaries and curators. This correspondence, his own paper trail of bureaucracy in (in)action, shown in its entirety for the first time, can be preposterous as well as hilarious—he has requested that he be allowed to hang the Mona Lisa upside down and re-wrap the Reichstag, for instance. Often, the letters do not deserve a response but curiously, they have usually been treated with official but unthinking courtesy, read perhaps but not comprehended—answered and then often passed along the bureaucratic chain.” Lilly Wei, Dear Sir or Madam
Mona Lisa Upside Down


Broadway Boogie Woogie

Wrapped Reichstag

Next Documenta Should Be Curated by an Artist

Universal Happy Hour